Welcome to Immigration Law Human Rights (ILHR)
We are an Open Source Cooperative Intelligence (OSCINTEL) Enterprise


Immigration Law & Human Rights

No rule of law can be above the rule of rights. It injures liberty, equality, and justice. ILHR promotes the Right of Immigration. We make a case for the legitimacy of migrants to look for jobs and residence abroad. We speak out about why refugees are forced to migrate and why anti-immigrant policy is racially biased and driven by the private interest. We present data on structural inequality as the cause for people from developing countries to migrate and on why immigrants are good for the economy. We demands that developed countries that are the most favored by the system of inequality and are the final destination of migrants take responsibility. We analyze historical Immigration Law and Human Rights Data to make our cases the best cases. We campaigns for a Universal Declaration of Immigrant Rights.

Public Health & COVID 19

Suppressing official data, delaying testing, directing against mask wearing,  making supporters gather in overcrowded rallies, boycotting  labor safety policy, barring insurance for millions, taxing the poor and exempting the rich, cutting social welfare,  imploding immigrants, and taking the US out WHO and the Paris Accord at a time of global pandemic should be judged a crime. Still, knowingly minimizing a deadly virus, consciously disregarding a risk, intentionally misrepresenting science, and willingly lying to the public make one wonder if it’s not an act of Dehumanization through the amorality of pursuing political gains, whatever it takes. We campaign for the US to ratify the Rome Statute in order to make Presidents and Governors accountable to the International Criminal Court.

Poverty Criminalization & Prison Privatization

To prevent a draconian anti-immigrant policy from happening again, a reform of the immigration law is imperative. Still true reform is a monumental challenge because the only way to end the weaponization of immigration law is by using legislation that establishes law enforcement courts independent from the Department of Justice and that foster a diverse workforce. ICE has to be abolished along with mass incarceration and mass criminalization for profit. It would mean the end of the impunity and immunity of a sort of police state. We campaign for an immigration reform that ends the privatization of the justice system and systematic racial inequality in America.

Wildlife & Green Economy

Every 5 minutes a species become extinct. A world without species is a world without humans.

The major source of extinction is pollution, largely from China and the US. The main source of pollution is CO2 emissions which is also the major source of climate change. Burning of fossil fuel kills flora and fauna which are the natural organic defense against pollution. Depredation and deforestation worsen pollution and thus climate change. It finally affects water and food security. It is indeed the driving force for turmoil and migration. Climate migrants must be granted legal status of refugee and a path for residence and citizenship. We campaign for a Paris Agreement and related covenants that explicitly acknowledge Immigrant Rights for mobility, integration, and protection.

Marijuana Legalization & Mental Health

There is racially-disparate incarceration for marijuana-related crimes. Two thirds of people of color, including immigrants are in jail. Two-thirds of Americans support its legalization. Studies prove its medicinal benefits for decreasing seizures, alleviating pain, helping depression, and so on without causing dependence and overdose. Instead, prescribed opioids have led to the worst drug crisis in American history. The rate is nearly 60 prescriptions per 100 people, while law enforcement, big pharma, for profit prison, paper-forestry, private healthcare and insurance industries fight against legal cannabis because they are afraid of losing multi-billion dollar businesses. We campaign for the legalization, decriminalization, commercialization, and industrialization of Marijuana.na.

Job Discrimination & Refugee Trafficking

Refugees and immigrants are particularly vulnerable to human trafficking. They are human beings who barely have the rights to an ID or drive license, housing, and jobs. Segregation of migrant workers fuels exploitation and slavery. In a globalized, interdependent, and overheated world where people are forced to migrate for surviving, ILHR advocates for prohibition of employment discrimination on the basis of actual or perceived “alienage and citizenship status” and “national origin.” The Immigrant apartheid is against Human Rights, and favors the industry of criminalization and incarceration for profit. We campaign for the government to prohibit identity and job discrimination based on immigration status.

Cyberwar & Existential Risk

Since no nation has the resources to win a conventional military war against the US, cyberwar is the primary existential risk to peace and security in America and the world. The root of the problem is systematic inequality which results in a governance that cultivates the concept of “you make more money by replacing humans for machines.” The purpose of the governments and corporations developing AI is to make money and arms at all cost. Paradoxically, the advancement of science & technology has created a fragile ecosystem, a global society deeply dependent on its cyber grid, and cyber weapons that puts in jeopardy the cyber world, and Human species itself. We campaign for a Digital Geneva Convention that upgrades human rights for cyber-war.

Digital Divide & Cyber Inequality

American police work on Next Generation Identification which integrates palm print, retina scans, and facial recognition to help computers search for criminal history. The facial recognition database is however connected to people with no history of criminal activity. Thinking of George Floyds’ police brutality, the fact that 20 of the US’ largest police forces have already engaged in AI predictive policing is terrorizing. When data is yet collected by humans, there exits historical discrimination. What to expect from machines who have neither feelings nor awareness? AI data-driven is now in every step of the socioeconomic system. People are genetically marked and perpetually recorded in accordance with social status. We campaign for making AI predictive policing illegal.

Universal Health Care & Wealth Tax

Every developed country which by the way hosts the poorest (immigrants) is committed to universal healthcare, except the US. The US holds nearly 30% of global wealth, but it goes to the top 1% who owns about 50% and to the top 10% who owns around 80% of global wealth. 400 wealthiest Americans pay lower taxes than the bottom 50% of Americans. The system of inequality then goes back to America where the rich does not pay taxes protected by corporate cut taxes, tax heavens, tax loopholes, bailouts, and vulture funds. Wealth tax will prevent the rich to hide money, eliminate the regressive health tax on workers, and pay off Universal Health Care, and Basic Income. We campaign for a Wealth Tax Act with 3% annual tax on wealth over $50 million, and with Basic Income of $2,000 monthly.

Climate Change & Climate Justice

Climate change’s causes are driven by inequality, as marginalized communities produce vastly lesser greenhouse gases than industrialized countries, and are the most impacted. Extreme weather displaces 3 times more people than conflict, and 9 times more than fear of persecution. Climate change triggers species migration, including insects. It alters how we relate to flora and fauna, and rises pandemics and famines. Drought, wildfire, flooding, tornadoes, tremors and blizzards kill and cause people and animals to migrate and transmit new diseases. The worst impacts of climate change could be irreversible by 2030, and the Paris Accord is still pyrrhic. It’s material to protect climate migrants. We campaign for a Paris Accord that grants rights of mobility to refugees and immigrants.

Gun Control & Arms Race

TThe ignored threat to National Security is guns and policing. When teens murders outdo terror one, the issue is not the Taliban. The US exports 4 times more arms than the next 9 countries combined. It has a major role in arms race and traffic since its weapons vastly ends in the black market, fueling civil wars, death crimes, drug cartels, and terrorism. US military arms guerrillas, mercenaries, and proxy armies to destabilize regimes against “American interest.” Lack of gun control reverts to America. The US has the highest number of guns per capita. Suicides, mass violence, police brutality, and mass shootings are normal. Yet self-learning automate weapons are the worst. We campaign for the government to include cyber weapons in the policy for gun control.l.

Women, Children, & Animal cruelty

Children are victims of Displacement, Exclusion, Segregation, Racism, and Apartheid since the criminalization of their poor parents. 1 in 3 people in the US have criminal records. There are mostly non-white people, LGBT people, people with mental conditions, and people in poverty. Disproportionate judgment traps more than one hundred million families, bars their civil rights, limits their labor, educational, and housing opportunities, condemns their children for generations, and perpetuates the poverty cycle.  Blacks and Hispanics are 9 times more likely to be jailed than whites. 6 million kids follow their parents’ fate. We campaign for a Criminal Justice Reform that expands expungement automatically sealing non-convicted records and convicted records for 1 year old misdemeanors and 5 year old felonies, repeals mandatory minimum sentences for drug possession, ends private prison, and abolishes death penalty.

Smart Power & Global Governance

The US as the most powerful nation on Earth must have Smart Power. It is balance between Hard Power (military) and Soft Power (diplomacy). It is diplomacy as applied science via education. It is to admit that immigration is a result of inequality and is good for the economy. It is legitimacy, accountability, and transparency to earn people’s hearts and minds. It is to lead the world based on moral character more than law enforcement. Per the Structure of Scientific Revolutions: “Successive transition from one paradigm to another via revolution is the usual developmental pattern of mature science.” The Revolution must then come from education. We Campaign for education of Science Diplomacy applied to Global Governance for Human Rights in Immigration Law.


ILHR’s Cause is to serve vulnerable people of all colors while promoting immigrant identity and diversity migration.

ILHR’s Mission is to advance liberty, equality, and justice via immigration law and human rights practice, advocacy, and education.

ILHR’s Vision is to provide people with an intelligent organization that helps make equal opportunities for liberty, equality, and justice achievable.


Liberty, equality and justice are driven by social, economic, and political trends in the immigration law and human rights system of the United States. Barely one third of cases are driven by evidence, precedents, and laws. There is neither independent structure nor due process. In fact, four Departments that answer to the Executive Branch and whose officers are politically appointed by the President deal with immigration and humanitarian issues. Immigration judges are furthermore appointed by and work under the direction of the Attorney General.  A reform would require consensus in Congress, and still deal with politically appointed judges in state and federal courts. All this creates an apartheid system that is hard to change, has many gaps, and gives arbitrary discretion to officials, judges, and polices.

IDEA powered by OSCINTEL is a collection of media and methods to research and develop a machine learning program to provide people with a cooperative organization that helps make achievable ILHR’s cause, mission, and vision. It is a system of hardware and software whereas IDEA is ILHR’s body and OSCINTEL is ILHR’s brain. It’s the infrastructure and practice for security, privacy, and compliance on internet. With the aid of a Machine learning program, we extract insights from open source, official, and historical Immigration Law & Human Rights Data and Statistics. Our machine learning helps scan casework and workflow documents in order to predict and improve the cost-benefit of legal cases, policy advocacy, and social projects timely. It’s a machine learning program that paradoxically looks for universal justice from the hegemony of collective intelligence over a self-learning machine.

ILHR system for R&D is synthesized as Interlinked Digital Enterprise Architecture (IDEA) powered by Open Source Cooperative Intelligence (OSCINTEL) for the R&D of Immigration Law (IL) & Human Rights (HR) via a Mentorship Internship & Partnership (MIP): Study & Work Program that uses data intelligence for immigrants’ civil, political economic, social, and cultural rights. ILHR is a 501(c)(3) Org whose cause is to serve vulnerable people of all colors while promoting immigrant identity and diversity migration, whose mission is to advance liberty, equality, and justice via immigration law and human rights practice, advocacy, and education, and whose vision is to provide people with an intelligent organization that helps make equal opportunities for liberty, equality, and justice achievable. Gifts go to the R&D of a cutting edge area of law, and education and job opportunities on the intersection of IL & HR Law, Policy, Governance, and Organization. © Copyright ILHR2021. All Rights Reserved.


Beinews is ILHR Media News to spread awareness about our mission. Beinews is a media news program for athletes, celebrities, and leaders to do good. We look for generating our own breaking news stories straight from producing messages, chats, emails, and videos with people who are and stories that can be in the spotlight. We welcome whistleblowers. We never disclose our source of information without due authorization. People prioritize us and support our journalisms since it helps fundraise, network, and promote our Mentorship Internship Partnership (MIP) Program. It’s managed by MIP. We posted the news in ILHR Beinews’ blog site and social media. © ILHR2021. All rights reserved.


As a public charity 501 (C)(3)organization, ILHR serves the public interest. Our Motto is “JUS EST NORMA RECTI; ET QUICQUID EST CONTRA NORMAM” (the law is a rule of right; and whatever is contrary to a rule of right is an injury). ILHR’s purpose is the promotion and realization of public charity. It means the promotion and realization of activities to advance ILHR’s cause, mission, and vision. In order to fulfill its cause, mission, and vision, ILHR promotes and realizes activities for public charity, including but not limited to the promotion and realization of charitable activities.


  • Advancement of Science Diplomacy applied to Global Governance for Human Rights in Immigration Law,
  • Advancement of Immigration Law as a Human Right,
  • Advancement of education, science, and employment,
  • Advancement of a culture of awareness on Climate Change and Climate Justice,
  • Advancement of American Smart Power,
  • Education, Organization, and Action for Equity, Equality, Justice, and Sustainability,
  • Lessening the burdens of government on economic, racial, and gender inequality,
  • Lessening the burdens of government on Public Health & Health Care for all,
  • Lessening of neighborhood tensions between “natives” and “immigrants” and white and non white people,
  • Lessening of community violence because of police brutality and non-peaceful protest,
  • Elimination of prejudice and discrimination on immigrants, refugees, and other minorities,
  • Defense of human, individual, and civil rights secured by law,
  • Defense of data privacy and data protection,
  • Combating flora and fauna depredation, environmental pollution, lands deforestation, communities’ degradation, and indigenous people displacement,
  • Combating the culture of guns, minorities’ criminalization, mass-incarceration,
  • Combating cyberwar and war, Combating the separation of families and children from parents,
  • Combating cruelty to children, women, and animals, and
  • Fostering diversity inclusion in the school, workplace, and community.