Liberty, equality and justice are driven by social, economic, and political trends in the immigration law and human rights system of the United States. Barely one third of cases are driven by evidence, precedents, and laws. There is neither independent structure nor due process. In fact, four Departments that answer to the Executive Branch and whose officers are politically appointed by the President deal with immigration and humanitarian issues. Immigration judges are furthermore appointed by and work under the direction of the Attorney General. A reform would require consensus in Congress, and still deal with politically appointed judges in state and federal courts. All this creates an apartheid system that is hard to change, has many gaps, and gives arbitrary discretion to officials, judges, and polices.
IDEA powered by OSCINTEL is a collection of media and methods to research and develop a machine learning program to provide people with a cooperative organization that helps make achievable ILHR’s cause, mission, and vision. It is a system of hardware and software whereas IDEA is ILHR’s body and OSCINTEL is ILHR’s brain. It’s the infrastructure and practice for security, privacy, and compliance on internet. With the aid of a Machine learning program, we extract insights from open source, official, and historical Immigration Law & Human Rights Data and Statistics. Our machine learning helps scan casework and workflow documents in order to predict and improve the cost-benefit of legal cases, policy advocacy, and social projects timely. It’s a machine learning program that paradoxically looks for universal justice from the hegemony of collective intelligence over a self-learning machine.
ILHR system for R&D is synthesized as Interlinked Digital Enterprise Architecture (IDEA) powered by Open Source Cooperative Intelligence (OSCINTEL) for the R&D of Immigration Law (IL) & Human Rights (HR) via a Mentorship Internship & Partnership (MIP): Study & Work Program that uses data intelligence for immigrants’ civil, political economic, social, and cultural rights. ILHR is a 501(c)(3) Org whose cause is to serve vulnerable people of all colors while promoting immigrant identity and diversity migration, whose mission is to advance liberty, equality, and justice via immigration law and human rights practice, advocacy, and education, and whose vision is to provide people with an intelligent organization that helps make equal opportunities for liberty, equality, and justice achievable. Gifts go to the R&D of a cutting edge area of law, and education and job opportunities on the intersection of IL & HR Law, Policy, Governance, and Organization. © Copyright ILHR2021. All Rights Reserved.