We are now looking for people with knowledge and experience in:

  • WordPress for data processing and BlueHost for hosting proprietorship
  • SPOC and MOOC systems as well as LMS (e.g. Blackboard, Canvas, Moodle), and MOOC platforms that runs on the LMS of MOOC providers (e.g. Coursera, edX, and Audacity)
  • Social media (e.g FB, Twitter, Youtube, and Instagram)
  • Open source crowdfunding systems (e.g. Change, GoGetFunding, & Cause)
  • Platform Licensing type Payments (e.g. Selftstarter, Catarse, and Go Teo), and White label crowdfunding platforms (e.g. Launcht, CrowdValley, and CrowdfundHQ)
  • Design, Prototyping, Manufacturing (e.g. Kickstarter, Indiegogo, and Fondly).
  • Search-engine optimization (SEO), publishing “talking head” videos from lectures’ recording sessions, focus group campaign, video editing  (i.e  Google+ Hangouts, Dropbox, Vimeo)