Providing free and low fees for Pilgrim Families Looking for the Promised Land 

ILHR Justitia Program: Looking for free and universal immigrant rights justice, expected to be launched on FallILHR Justitia Program: Looking for free and universal immigrant rights justice, expected to be launched on Fall

With the help of ILHR staff, this article synthesizes the Justitia Program. Justitia is basically a project model for testing and coaching AI Bot that possesses degree levels to assist lawyers, administrators, students, and public to handle customer service, record contact information, manage workflow and casework, respond immigration law and human rights questions, and help fill up forms and write motions. 

ILHR AI Chatbot helps manage the practice, advocacy, and education of the Immigration Law Human Rights (ILHR) Organization. It’s a pro-worker AI. It helps to improve the workflow and casework management software, save time and space lowering operational costs, speeding human adaptation, enhancing human intelligence, and freeing access to immigration justice. 

The ILHR AI Bot seeks free immigration justice, working organization sustainability, fair profit redistribution and workers’ ownerships. Provoked by AI Revolution and aggravated by Climate Change, in an evolving era of economic challenges as the new normal, the Right to Move, Work, and Live anywhere on Earth is a fundamental human right, inherently tied to the rights of immigrants. Justitia Program develops  a method for training AI to support a Public Policy for human rights in detriment of robot rights. 

It is a Chatbot, powered by an LLM with expertise in ILHR Education, Organization, and Action. It is a chatbot with anthropomorphic design of social interaction, personification of robot-like appearance, and epitomization of naming Justitia. Finally, the AI Bot helps provide low and free services to immigrant families who can’t afford legal defense. It’s expected to be launched in Fall. © 2024 ILHR

  • Etiam sapien sem magna at vitae pulvinar congue augue egestas pretium neque id viverra suscipit egestas magna porta ratione, mollis risus lectus porta rutrum arcu aenean primis in augue luctus neque purus ipsum neque dolor primis

    • Rady Smith
      March 16, 2020 at 6:54 am  - 

      Porta ratione, mollis risus lectus porta rutrum arcu aenean primis in augue luctus neque purus ipsum neque dolor primis libero tempus, tempor posuere ligula varius impedit enim tempor vitae pulvinar congue augue egestas. Praesent aliquet lorem purus, quis mollis nisi laoreet vitae ьauris nec consequat tortor

  • Porta ratione, mollis risus lectus porta rutrum arcu aenean primis in augue luctus neque purus ipsum neque dolor primis libero tempus, tempor posuere ligula varius impedit enim tempor vitae pulvinar congue augue egestas. Praesent aliquet lorem purus, quis mollis nisi laoreet vitae ьauris nec consequat tortor

  • Rady Smith
    March 16, 2020 at 6:55 am  - 

    Etiam sapien sem magna at vitae pulvinar congue augue egestas pretium neque id viverra suscipit egestas magna porta ratione, mollis risus lectus porta rutrum arcu aenean primis in augue auctor integer congue

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